Visit our farm market in Shelby, Ohio for fresh-picked produce and baked goods. From sweet corn and tomatoes, to cucumbers and red raspberries, we have a large variety of vegetables and fruits to choose from. We pick daily from our farm to give you the freshest produce around!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Buy Local Produce!

Did you know that most produce in the US is picked around 5-7 days before being placed on supermarket shelves, and is shipped an average of 1,500 miles before being sold?  Even with the advances in fridgeration, those fruits and veggies don't stay fresh very long in your fridgerator.  Most local farmers markets pick their produce daily, so you know that the items you purchase will stay fresher, longer!

In addition, only 18 cents of every dollar, when buying at a large supermarket, go to the grower. 82 cents go to various unnecessary middlemen. Local Harvest suggests that we cut them out of the picture and buy your food directly from your local farmer.